Co Evropa potřebuje

The EU has three options: 

  • Zpět k vestfálskému národnímu státu
  • Zachování současné podoby EU: mezivládní správa založená na smlouvě.
  • Založení Spojených států evropských na základě federální ústavy. To je to, co Evropa potřebuje.

Zpět k vestfálskému národnímu státu

  • This is an out-dated, retarded form of sovereignty
  • Closed borders, deterring immigration
  • Anarchy between nation-states. Anarchy in the sense of the absence of cross-border administration, causing conflicts and wars
  • Inevitable wars as in the 19th and 20th century
  • Shrinking of diversity and innovation
  • Shrinking of national economies through protectionism and isolationism

Zachování současné podoby EU: mezivládní správa založená na smlouvě.

  • The intergovernmental administration destroys the sovereignty of the member states, forcing them to assimilate
  • Member states use the EU as a pigeonhole: in-out
  • No respect for, nor acceptance of the treaty-based duties
  • Vulnerable to external threats like economic crises, terrorism, climate change
  • No common policy with respect to cross border common interests and concerns like economy, social security, immigration, safety, energy/climate, defence, foreign affairs
  • No global power like the USA, China and Russia

Establishing the United States of Europe, based on a federal constitution

  • Vertical division of powers, creating shared sovereignty
  • Each member state keeps its sovereignty, cultural identity and language
  • No forced assimilation
  • Cross border administration to secure common interests and concerns
  • Open borders, diversity, innovation, safety and welfare
  • Stronger than the USA, China and Russia